dedicated to the st.clair flats

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

hunting and fishing

foggy as LLLLLLLLLLLL this 26th day of october. duck hunting has been really slow. opening weekend was good, and the wind last saturday produced some bag limits. i got a call from saginaw bay that some 5000 birds left sunday heading this way and a few hunters monday confirmed that new birds were indeed dropping in on their deeks. brightly coloured and stupid was the most often heard comment. no shooting this mornin, fog is hanging tuff. almost full moon last night may have brought more new birds in. very bright moon had geese in the thousands whoopin it up on seaway island. as bad as its been, hope springs eternal. forecast of rain wednesday, friday and thunderstorms again this weekend should get me out of my tree and into the marsh. expect big numbers of parties at the duck bingo draw with the rain. lots of perch in canals, all little ones. start checkin now or you'll miss the bigger ones when they come in. middle channel holding lots of little walleyes little to keep.drop me a line with comments or questions, islandbob


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