dedicated to the st.clair flats

Monday, May 23, 2005


two male baltimore orioles in the backyard today. had a dead swan in canal last week, thought it was sleeping till i noticed it sinking lower in the water. it's mate came by today to feed. first baby mallards showed themselves two days ago. have geese with 2 babies and another pair with 5 that come by daily. 2 days ago we also had 2 eagles circle for awhile.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

colourfull day

was it an indigo bunting or a blue grosbeak? i think it's an indigo bunting. and 4 feet away was the greatest black crowned night heron i've ever seen. i gotta get a good camera

Saturday, May 14, 2005

phoggy morn

the rose-breasted grosbeaks are back. according to records from 1990, they are right on time. may 11th is their arrival great dane nearly stepped on one laying on the ground under a willow tree. it seemed dazed so i picked it up, brought it into the house, put it in a bird cage and gave it water treated with microhydrin with an eye-dropper. we take microhydrin daily. the results are many but mainly, we don't get sick. in the grosbeaks case the results were dramatic, within minutes he went from hanging upsidedown by one leg from a perch to flying. i let him out and he made a bee-line for the branch he had evidently fell from. maybe just exhausted.
the barn swallows are back in the boat house, i wish they weren't. they build their nest over the water which means a mess in the boat.
a hybridized red-naped/red breasted sapsucker stopped by the window bird feeder a few days ago, really quite stunning.
